GSMNP to Implement Single-Lane Closures on the Spur, Sept. 23rd – 25th

Great Smoky Mountains National Park maintenance crews will implement temporary, single-lane closures along the north and southbound Spur between Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, beginning Monday, September 23 through Wednesday, September 25 for routine maintenance operations. The single-lane closures will be in effect from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. each day.
The park implements temporary single-lane closures along the most heavily-trafficked park roads for all roadside work conducted on foot including litter patrol, tree removal, string trimming, mowing, shoulder reconditioning, and culvert cleaning. These temporary closures better ensure the safety of workers along winding roadways with high traffic volumes. The roadways will remain open during these times, but motorists should anticipate traffic delays and are asked to reduce speeds and use extra caution.
For more information about road closures, please follow SmokiesRoadsNPS on Twitter or visit the park website.